In what could easily fulfill that famous wedding rhyme that begins “something old, something new” Princess Beatrice was married to Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi Friday morning at The Royal Chapel of All Saints in Windsor, wearing one of her grandmother’s dresses and her wedding tiara.
If you own a Le Creuset or other heavy enameled pan or Dutch oven, you know that over time and with much use they become very discolored. I came across what looked like a great solution on Pinterest and thought it would be a wonderful idea to share it.
The age old children’s rhythm “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream” could well have been penned for this delicious and oh so easy delight…Fresh Homemade Raspberry Ice Cream!
“After I became president,” Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying, “I asked one day some members of my close protection team to stroll with me in the city and have lunch at one of its restaurants. We sat in one of the downtown restaurants and all of us asked for some sort of food. After a while, the waiter brought us our requests, I noticed that there was someone sitting in front of my table waiting for food. I told then one of the soldiers to go and ask that person to join us with his food and eat with us. The soldier went and asked the man so. The man brought up his food and sat by my side as I asked and began to eat. His hands were trembling constantly until everyone had finished their food and the man went.
“The soldier said to me: The man was apparently quite sick. His hands trembled as he ate!””No, not at all”, said Mandela.”This man was the guard of the prison where I was jailed. Often, after the torture I was subjected to, I used to scream and ask for a little water. The very same man used to come every time and [torture me more] instead. So I found him scared, trembling, expecting me to reciprocate now, at least in the same way, either by torturing him or imprisoning him as I am now the president of the state of South Africa.
“But this is not my character nor part of my ethics.
“The mentality of retaliation destroys states, while the mentality of tolerance builds nations.”
What brilliant words of love and forgiveness Mandela shared and how we all can learn from them.
All of us seem to watching more TV these days while at home more than we’re used to being. If you are anything like your Two Chums you are probably always on the lookout for something interesting, or uplifting, to watch on television.
Nastia Liukin was 18 when she won five medals in the 2008 Olympic Games, including a gold medal for the women’s all-around gymnastics competition.
The athlete, television personality and NBC Sports analyst, now 30, credits her parents, world champion gymnasts Valeri Liukin and Anna Kotchneva, for much of her success.
If you plan to be outdoors tomorrow in celebration of July 4th, Independence Day, you can plan on being “independent” of mosquitos with this Savvy Secret!
Things have certainly changed over the last several months. One of the biggest changes is wearing masks whenever we leave our homes. Do you miss seeing other’s expressions whenever you are out? Or wish others could see yours?
This Sunday is the day set aside in celebration of those very important men…fathers. We think that dads deserve a big shout out and certainly deserve some love this Father’s Day. One of the things we have been hearing over and over during this time of trouble and unrest in our country is that much of it stems from a lack of fathers in the home. We don’t always value them the way we should so this Sunday is a chance to tell those men in our lives who are fathers or father figures what a difference they make.
We are all home more these days and consequently, watching more TV. So perhaps you are running out of ideas for things to watch. We’ve got a great suggestion for you today, a great place for you to visit…Heartland.
The Bible tells us to be childlike….not to be confused with being childish. We think this is because often children see things so much more clearly and simply than adults who, sometimes, can unnecessarily complicate what should be simple.
This photograph was taken last week in honour of the 99th birthday of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. I think you will all agree with us that he looks amazing!
Certainly, the name Dale Carnegie is a well known one…one that is known, amongst other things, for wonderful presentation and knowing how best to get things across to another. Here are a few of his suggestions:
It’s been a tough week all the way around. We think a little comfort is in order. On a list of comfort foods, donuts, much less freshly home made donuts, would have to make the Top 10 right? And these are not only easy, easy, easy to make, but so yummy and with a bonus of being gluten free!
It has been a hard week for America and the weekend brought more images of anger and grief, rage and sadness. But amidst the tragedy and horror we all witnessed on our TV screens, there were also stories and images of hope and love that went largely unreported by national media. We want to share just a few of those with you today.
As those of you know who know Two Chums, we are all about the act of being grateful! We found these wonderful quotes on AZ Quotes and want to share them with you!
Yesterday we gave you a yummy recipe for a Mexican meatball soup. Today we are going elsewhere to another part of the world to sample a Thai meatball soup…Khao Tom..also VERY yummy and also gluten free!
Some think of soup as a cool or cold weather food. But we drink hot coffee and tea in all four seasons and eat ice cream all year round as well, so why not eat soup in all seasons…especially if it is one as yummy as this one is? And this is a gluten free soup too!!!
With more time at home, we all need some positive things to do. Puzzles can be a stress reliever and a helpful and constructive tool for passing the time. And now any photo on your smart phone or computer can be a puzzle.
On May 12, 1907, Katharine Hepburn was born in Hartford, Connecticut. Due to her performances in such films as The Philadelphia Story and On Golden Pond, Katherine became one of the most celebrated actresses of the 20th century.
VE Day is otherwise known as “Victory in Europe Day” and commemorates the day towards the end of the Second World War when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. This took place 75 years ago today and was cause for great rejoicing.
Today is Cinco de Mayo. Some years ago on Cinco de Mayo we shared our favorite traditional guacamole recipe with our chums. Today we have a new one to share. A spicy guacamole known as Guacamole Con Chiles Toreados.
On May 4, 1929, Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston was born near Brussel, Belgium. “Whom”, you might ask, “is Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston?” Any guesses – you all know her!
Your Two Chums have thought a lot about what we can learn from this time of “sheltering in place” because if we do not come out on the other side having learned something, it has all been for naught!
Don’t you LOVE the phrase? A FLAMBOYANCE of flamingos! Yes, that is the term one may use when speaking of a group of these wonderfully colored creatures. This is not the only term used but read on to find out all about this distinguished regiment of birds!
Horatio Stafford – Author of “It Is Well With My Soul”
Everyone’s “normal” has been shifted to a different place. We are in unknown territory, a land that is unfamiliar to any of us. But for most of us, the results of this pandemic are largely inconvenient. For some who have themselves become ill, or have family members who have, or who have lost their jobs or businesses, the results can be very frightening. And for those who have lost loved ones, this has been devastating.
Today we share a true story of a family who faced massive loss, the kind gratefully, few of us hopefully ever have or ever will, face in our lifetimes. But the point of this story is not their hardship and loss, but rather in the face of the grief, sadness and personal loss and devastation, their response.
There is a difference between cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected? Simply put, we want to share the differences between these three options so you can keep you and your family healthy.
This week marks what is known as Holy Week in the Christian faith. Today is Good Friday and this day, through Sunday which is Easter, are the holiest of holy days. It is on this day that Christians all over the world observe the crucifixion of Jesus.
Prompted by Mr. Rogers’ admonition to “Look for the helpers” during life’s challenging times we are sharing some facts about one of the world’s greatest helpers, Florence Nightingale.
Sometimes when there is so much distress and anxiety all around us, it is possible, even normal to be overwhelmed and paralyzed. You can feel unable to do much of anything.
For many, if not most of us, pasta falls into the category of a universally accepted comfort food. The one we are sharing today is both comforting and D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S!
Earlier this week we gave you an idea that came to us from a chum, Nancy, for a “homemade” mask to be worn if one is necessary. Today thanks to our dear chum, Helen, we have yet another option to share.
While we are all at home so much more, cupboards and refrigerators fuller than usual, planning not to be out more than necessary in stores, here are some Savvy Secrets for keeping food fresh longer.
During these days of corona virus Covid-19, facial medical masks are in very short supply. We have a suggestion if you need to go out and are in need of mask. Please keep reading…we think you will appreciate this.
You have no doubt seen this site or perhaps have done this yourself. You’ve placed an avocado seed in a glass of water using toothpicks in the hopes of rooting the seed and growing an avocado tree that will in turn provide you with an endless supply of avocados.
We have heard that Prince Charles tested positive for the Covid-19 and has consequently left his home in London and gone to Balmoral Castle. His spirits are high but, obviously, he is being wise. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall has also gone to Balmoral but is staying in another part of the Castle. This Castle was first purchased by Prince Albert for his Queen and love, Victoria and we found some great facts in House Beautiful about the purchase and re-building of this magnificent abode.
Just like people all over the world are working from home to prevent the spread of coronavirus, Isaac Newton had to work from home during the Bubonic plague.
Perspective is an important aspect of any situation. The way we see something, the perspective we have, most certainly colors the way we experience life. With the current world situation that we all find ourselves to be in, there is fear and frustration mounting for many of us. The way we look at the impact this outbreak is having on our lives is bound to effect our attitude about it all. We read something the other day with regard to this pandemic and what the health and government officials are requiring of us now in response and felt it a good thought to pass on to our chums. We thought it might help each of us keep this all in perspective.
Last night the President gave the country some updates on the situation regarding the coronavirus and what the government is doing in response to this situation as well as reminding individuals of the importance of good hygiene and playing our role in keeping ourselves and others safe from the virus. Everywhere we turn right now we are hearing about the importance of washing our hands and keeping away from germs. Your Two Chums don’t tend to be fearful people, but we also want to be wise and encourage our readers to do the same. So today we have some tips and suggestions for cleaning in and around our homes.
On this day in 1997, Paul McCartney, a former member of the most successful rock band in history, The Beatles, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his “services to music.” The 54-year-old lad from Liverpool became Sir Paul in a centuries-old ceremony of pomp and solemnity at Buckingham Palace in central London. Fans waited outside in a scene reminiscent of Beatlemania of the 1960s. Crowds screamed as McCartney swept through the gates in his chauffeur-driven limousine and he answered with a thumbs-up.
McCartney’s wife, Linda, who was fighting breast cancer, did not accompany him, but three of their four children were at the palace. “I would have loved the whole family to be here, but when we heard there were only three tickets, we had to draw straws,” McCartney said. Linda McCartney would succumb to cancer 13 months later on April 17, 1998.
As for the surviving Beatles, Ringo Starr and George Harrison, Sir Paul said that since they learned that he would be knighted, “They call me ‘Your Holiness.’” McCartney dedicated his knighthood to fellow Beatles George Harrison, Ringo Starr and John Lennon and the people of the northwestern port of Liverpool. In October 1965, McCartney, along with fellow band members John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, collected MBE (Member of the British Empire
Twenty years later, Ringo was also knighted but he was knighted by none other than Prince William!
Beatle Sir Richard Starkey, also known as Ringo Starr, is made a Knight Bachelor of the British Empire by the Duke of Cambridge at Buckingham Palace during an Investiture ceremony in London. (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)
What a precious photograph this is! Richard Meston was at Bicton Park Botanical Gardens near Sidmouth, Devon in England, when he came across a mother swan and her babies. The cygnets were splashing in the water around their mom.