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Chums Choices – Our Generation

You have probably heard us talk about our love of American Girl Dolls.  Both of us have granddaughters that have, and love, their American Girl dolls.  They are special treasures.  The dolls are quite costly however, as are the accessories and all the other things that go along with American Girl dolls.  Recently, we came across some info we thought we should share with our chums who might also have daughters or granddaughters or young girls in their lives who enjoy the fun of playing with these great toys.

Target, Walmart and Amazon all sell a brand of dolls very similar to the look of American Girl dolls and with many of the same kinds of fun clothes, and accessories.  The brand is called Our Generation.

These aren’t new to these retailers, they have been selling them for some time, and you may have even noticed them if you have taken a stroll down the toy aisle.  If you are like we are though, you may be thinking “These dolls look ok but are really probably just cheaper knock offs of the real thing.”  But here’s the “new” info we have learned about these dolls and this brand.  There is a very high end international retailer who is known for only selling items of the very highest quality and this is the brand they have chosen for their world reknown store.  Which retailer you ask?  None other than Harrods of London.  It doesn’t get much more luxury than Harrods.

So while we love the American Girl brand, the Our Generation brand is a great other option and at a much reduced price point.  The holidays are coming and birthdays happen every month, so here is an option we wanted you to have the “411” on.  Happy shopping!




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