One Hundred Years Ago
One hundred years ago yesterday…..
…..Britain declared war on Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Crowds assembled outside Buckingham Palace to mark the news, and King George V recorded his thoughts on the day in his diary:
‘When they heard that war had been declared the excitement increased & it was a never to be forgotten sight when May & I with David went on to the balcony, the cheering was terrific. Please God it may be soon over & that he will protect dear Bertie’s life…’
Britain was obviously excited because it was, they felt, a very necessary thing. But it was a terrible war claiming many, many lives and changing the tapestry of British life, and indeed the world, forever.
The photographs of crowds cheering and decorous hat-waving come in stark contrast to the later scenes of muddy fields strewn with bodies with which we are now so familiar.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry arrive at the St Symphorien Cemetery in Belgium with UK Prime Minister David Cameron, where they honored those who lost their lives in WW1.
Their faces tell the story.
We are so grateful for the people who fought in WW1, and indeed for all the people who have fought for right.
With deep gratitude to the people who gave so much,

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