On This Day …
…back in 1813, the United States got its nickname.
The nickname was, and continues to be, Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during the War of 1812. Wilson (1766-1854) stamped the barrels with “U.S.” for United States, but soldiers began referring to the grub as “Uncle Sam’s.” The local newspaper picked up on the story and Uncle Sam eventually gained widespread acceptance as the nickname for the U.S. federal government.
Who knew? We love to learn these things and share them with you, our chums!
P.S. Look for that recipe we promised you yesterday, on Monday. It is gluten free and uses the ghee we told you about. It could be a great way to start your week 🙂

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