Old Favorites For The New Year
If you are planning a New Years Eve gathering or a get together for New Years Day, we have a list here of some old favorites that can help you ring in the New Year in a tasty way. These are just some of our favorite party foods for your celebrations. To your Two Chums, it just isn’t really a party without some of these tasty offerings:
Tomato Bisque and Toasted Cheese Sandwiches
Drippy Beef French Dip Sandwiches
These are just some of our favorite party foods. Maybe they will be some of yours too. Buffets and finger foods allow guests to move around and mingle and strike up conversations with as many people as a guest wants to chat with at the party, thus we have a tendency to serve these types of foods at our New Years buffets. They are so tasty and festive and several….artichoke dip and deviled eggs especially…are now signature dishes that our friends and family look forward to when we are celebrating.
But no matter what else is on the buffet table, the most important thing we serve up to our guests is love, joy and a sense of abundant living. Happy New Year dear Chums….a VERY Happy New Year to you and yours!

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My, they look tasty! You can make me those deviled eggs, or any of these items any time. And you might add to that list a baked brie cheese wheel.
Oh my! These look so good and it is only 6:30 in the morning😋
Eggs seem to be just the thing for a new year. I almost always have egg salad sandwiches to watch the Rose Bowl game. Happy New Year to you and yours.