Oh Baby!
Oh baby it is! We are so excited about William and Catherine’s news and are rejoicing with them!
Ever since their nuptials in April of last year, the world has been wanting to hear that this wonderful couple is “expecting” – so much so that the pressure on them has to have been quite hard to handle. Every time Catherine did something out of the ordinary like refused to eat a peanut butter derivative or toasted with water instead of wine, their ever-hopeful public speculated that Catherine was pregnant. Although the royal family knew of the news (Prince Harry having been e-mailed in Afghanistan), the world heard the news earlier than they would have otherwise as Catherine had to be hospitalized on account of a lot of morning sickness and they felt it would be leaked, somehow, if they didn’t tell us themselves. She is not quite three months pregnant.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first born, whether a beautiful baby girl or an adorable baby boy, will be the third in line to the British throne. Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, and the Queen’s eldest son, is the first in line to the throne and Prince William is the second in line to the throne.
Historically, if the first born was a girl and she had a younger male sibling, the male would succeed the throne. In fact, kings’ wives were under great pressure to produce a male heir – so much so that their lives depended on it. As those of you who love history know, Henry VIII went through a lot of wives in order to get a male heir! In 2011, Britain and the countries of the Commonwealth agreed upon the fact that notwithstanding the gender of the child, the first born of the monarch would rise to the throne. It has yet to be put into law but is “as good as”.
Since Catherine’s admittance to the hospital earlier this week, William has remained as always a devoted husband and has been at the hospital regularly to see Kate.
He is very protective of his wife and the mother of the future King or Queen of England and for good reason. According to The Star: “One palace source has told RardarOnline that after his wife’s pregnancy was announced, William asked the Queen to warn newspaper publishers that there will “be hell to pay” if any “lines are crossed” regarding coverage of Kate and her pregnancy. “William was deeply hurt and angered by the topless photo scandal Kate was forced to endure over the summer, and has made it crystal clear that, make no mistake, he will not allow his wife to be subjected to such blatant intrusion and humiliation ever again,” the source said.
Oh baby, we have some fun months ahead!

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I’m so excited too!! I think it’s going to be a girl…
Me too 🙂