Not Just A Garnish – Parsley
Parsley may be the world’s most popular garnish but this remarkable herb has healing properties and health benefits that qualify it as a superfood.Throughout history parsley has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The Greeks used parsley to make crowns that they bestowed upon their sports champions. It is commonly used for the Jewish celebration of Passover as a sign of rebirth. The Romans used it in ancient times to deodorize corpses before funerals.
Parsley is rich in chlorophyll, which is the energy producing substance that gives herbs and plants its beautiful green color. Chlorophyll helps to alkalize the body, purify blood, and form new red blood cells. In addition, it allows the body to detoxify and heal more effectively.
Parsley is also known to be a powerful diuretic that reduces blood pressure and enhances kidney function.
In addition to these benefits of parsley, we found 7 more on the website Care2 Make a Difference:
1. Parsley is rich in many vital vitamins, including Vitamin C, B 12, K and A. This means parsley keeps your immune system strong, tones your bones and heals the nervous system, too.
2. It helps flush out excess fluid from the body, thus supporting kidney function.
3. Regular use of parsley can help control your blood pressure. The folic acid in this herb is like a tonic for your heart.
4. Parsley essential oil, when massaged into the scalp, may reduce hair loss.
5. Use parsley daily, and you’ll feel relief from joint pain. That’s because the herb has anti-inflammatory properties.
6. Parsley tea relaxes stiff muscles and encourages digestion.
7. Studies indicate that parsley—especially its essential oil—may have a role in inhibiting cancerous tumors. In fact, scientists have billed it a ‘chemoprotective’ food.
A great way to get more parsley in your diet is a fast and really easy to make smoothie. It is not only tasty but healthy too. It incorporates other healthy ingredients as well….Honey and cinnamon….and cucumbers. This is refreshing and rejuvenating all at the same time.
So you see it’s not just a garnish anymore. Here’s to your health and very abundant living!
Tasty Green Smoothie
A handful of mint leaves (about 2 oz.)
A handful of parsley (about 2 oz.)
6 ounces orange juice
or water
1 banana
1 cup ice
1/4 cucumber
1 stalk celery
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 tablespoon raw honey
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
Cut up the banana, celery and cucumber into small pieces about the size of the chunks of frozen pineapple and put all of it in the blender. Add mint, parsley, banana, honey and cinnamon. Add juice and ice. Blend all ingredients until smooth and then drink a toast to your health.

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Peter Rabbit was given parsley when he was sick from over eating.
Good point Lara. If it was a good enough remedy for Peter, it should be good for us too 🙂