Nope Just As I Thought …
Every now and then, someone is truly inspired when called on to give a response to a tough question. Today we want to share just such a response in the hopes that someone will be inspired or take comfort from it.
Years ago a chum who was facing the unexpected shock of an advanced cancer diagnosis, and the need to begin treatment right away, asked the question of her doctor what most of us would ask upon hearing that kind of news. “Am I going to die? How long do I have?” The doctor thought for a second then asked his patient “May I see the bottom of your foot?” She raised it to show him her bare foot. “Nope. Just as I thought”, he replied. “There is no expiration date stamped there. Only God knows how long any of us has. It is always in His hands.”
TRUTH! We want to know, or think we want to know, everything the future holds but this chum couldn’t know and her doctor, or any doctor for that matter, couldn’t honestly tell her. At best he could guess, and her doctor was wise enough to know negative thoughts, and fear, was not going to help his patient or make things any easier for her. He knew he didn’t honestly have the answer and it would not serve her well to hazard a guess about something only God knows. What’s important is to live everyday to the fullest we possibly can because today might be our last… OR… we might live to be 101 in spite of tragedy or illness or huge setbacks and we should be using this wonderful glorious gift of life to the fullest every day. All any of us has is today. Tomorrow is promised to no one. And none of us, not even one, is stamped with an expiration date.
We feel sure some one of our chums needs to hear this today, for themselves or for someone they love. The Bible says “Be of good cheer.” The One who made you holds you in His hand and in His heart. And He will provide the peace and assurance you need to live each day. Whatever trial or obstacle you, or someone you love, is facing, we hope you will be encouraged by this today.

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Love this! What an inspired doctor. You hear too many stories of someone being told they have a set time to live and dying very soon after. It seems more as if they die of fear!
Yes, isn’t this wonderful! We love it as well.