Need Halloween Games? We’ve Got Those!
Having a party and need some game ideas? You have come to the right place!
1. Halloween Eyeball Bounce
Take ping pong ball and decorate with markers to look like blood shot eyes. Then get a plastic pumpkins, Halloween themed containers or black or orange party cups.
Now give each child an eyeball and place the plastic pumpkin or cup at the bottom of stairs, at the end of a table or across the floor. Works best on wooden stairs and floors. Have each child toss or bounce the eyeball down the stairs or across the room. The goal is to see if their eyeball bounces into the pumpkin.
2. Halloween Corners Game
This Halloween game is always a lot of fun for children and it is totally random who the winner is.
Stick up large Halloween themed pictures (ie witch, bat, ghost and black cat) in the four corners of a room. Play some music and when it stops, each child runs to a corner (if you have small numbers you can limit the number of children in each).
The music operator without looking then calls out one corner or pulls a piece of paper from a hat and the image on the paper identifies which the corner is out of the game. Continue to play until there is one person left and they win a prize.
3. Mummy Wrap
The basic concept for Mummy Wrap is simple get cheap toilet paper, have the children divide up into teams of 2, 3 or 4, have one person be the mummy and the others must wrap the mummy with the toilet paper.
First team to use all their toilet paper to wrap the Mummy from head to toe wins.
4. Halloween Spooky Sounds Story Game
This is a campfire type story adapted for Halloween. Everyone gets a different sound effect and when they hear their sound mentioned each time in the story, they make their noise. It is recommended that you have someone who can shut the lights off just before the “scream” at the end of the story! It makes it more dramatic.
Some of the noises are verbal that you make with your voice and some are mechanical that you make with a gadget/toy. So start first with naming a verbal sound and asking for volunteers who are not shy about making verbal sounds. Then go to the mechanical sounds. If you have a lot of people just form groups of people making the same sound.
OWLS (“who’s”)
GHOSTS (“boo’s; and chains to rattle)
EVIL SCIENTISTS (“bwa-ha-ha-ha”) (….this is such a fun sound to do!)
HAUNTED HOUSE (6 creaky sounds made with those crank noise makers that you use for New Year’s. If you turn them slowly, they sound like creaking drs) (Will also need one or two of those toy thunder/lightning gadgets. You could also use a sheet of metal hung from a string for thunder noise instead.)
KILLER CLOWNS (beep horns w/the squeeze bulbs on the ends)
RATTLESNAKES (bags of cheap maracas are available at party supply stores)
Librarian (narrator: says “Shhh!”; and everyone clap for “loud crash”)
Participants may also find it fun to do more than one sound.
Do a practice for each sound.
Practice everyone loud crash (everyone clap).
It was a dark and foggy evening in ________________(fill in town). In the cool night air, the aroma of fermaldahyde being made in nearby _______________(fill in town) was very prominent. The only sounds to be heard were the OWLS in the distance, the HAUNTED HOUSE on the corner with its creaking doors and thunder and lightning which always seem to surround the house.
Occasionally the KILLER CLOWN car would pass down the street, often being chased by the GHOSTS’ truck making a racket with all of their boo-ing and rattling of their chains. Within the town library, someone turned a page too loudly and the LIBRARIAN said, “SSSh!”. Meanwhile down on the street corner could be seen the notorious gang of EVIL SCIENTISTS. You never quite know what they’re gonna be up to next.
Suddenly, from every sewer drain in the town could be heard the sea of resident RATTLESNAKES! They all slithered into the street and up the steps of the library. Each RATTLESNAKE took a book and slithered over to one of the tables. One of the RATTLESNAKES remarked, “If you asp me, that boa the LIBRARIAN is wearing looks really constricting!” Guess what the LIBRARIAN said? That’s right — “SSSh!”.
Outside, the OWLS could be heard more strongly. The KILLER CLOWN car approached the intersection, followed by the GHOSTS. As they approached the intersection, the KILLER CLOWN driving the car signaled a right turn. Oddly enough, his car made a left turn. The truck behind them slammed on its brakes and there was a LOUD CRASH! Down went the tail gate of the truck and out tumbled the GHOSTS. The EVIL SCIENTISTS came running over from the corner to see what had happened.
Just then, the storm from the HAUNTED HOUSE expanded over the whole town. The RATTLESNAKES convinced the librarian that the best place for everyone to gather was in the library. So, all of the OWLS flew into the library. The didn’t know what to read, so they just winged it.
The EVIL SCIENTISTS headed for the physics section and began arguing over where they were going to get the 3.14 pumpkins needed to make their specialty pumpkin pi. The librarian then ushered to…….. “Send in the CLOWNS”. The GHOSTS followed shortly thereafter being absolutely thrilled with any book in the library because all books include the word “Books”.
The LIBRARIAN was hopelessly saying over and over again “SSSh, SSSh!”. And for a while at least ALL OF THE SOUNDS WERE GOING ON AT THE SAME TIME!…….But an hour later, everything was peaceful again in ____________(fill in town). The OWLS went back to the trees, the HAUNTED HOUSE brought its storm back home again, the EVIL SCIENTISTS went back to their corner, the GHOSTS got back in their truck, the KILLER CLOWNS eventually all made it back into their little clown car, and the RATTLESNAKES went back to their sewer drains.
And the LIBRARIAN? Well, she looked around the library at the floating feathers, the slime on the books, the overturned tables, the broken chairs……And then, all of the sudden, she SCREAMED! (scream!)
5. Halloween Pumpkin (or you could use the ping pong eyeballs) Hunt
This is a fun outdoor game and can be played during the day or at night with some lighting. For young kinds daylight works best and older kids it is more fun at dusk or at night and give the kids flashlights.
What is great about this game it is adaptable to your age group, so you can make it easy and simple for kids and more complex for the older kids.
The concept is simple hide pumpkins in a field or grassy area and the kids must go find the pumpkins and bring them back to the starting point.
Play as individuals
– First one to find a pumpkin back to the start line wins.
– Hide pumpkins and place numbers on them and the numbers correspond to a prize, so the goal is to find the pumpkin and win a prize. Good for young kids.
– Have lots of pumpkins and see which child can find and gather the most pumpkins in 5 minutes.
Play as teams
– Divide up into 2, 3 or 4 teams and 1 at a time have 1 kid from each team head to the field to find and bring back a pumpkin. Once that player gets the pumpkin back to the start line then the next player on the team can go. First team to have all players find a pumpkin wins.
– Divide up group into teams and all players head out to find pumpkins at once the team to collect the most pumpkins in 5 minutes wins.
– Divide the group into teams of 2 or 3 players, now connect all the players of one team together like you would in a three legged race. (Tie the thighs together with cloth.) Now send the teams out to find a pumpkin. For this one you may want to have the pumpkins be visible and the same distance away for each team.
We found these fun games on Obviously, play them as you wish. Use different things to play – just have fun!
Make sure your Halloween is full of joy and laughter!

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