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Memorial Day

We set aside this day each year as a country to remember those who have, as Abraham Lincoln so eloquently put it at Gettysburg, “gave their lives that this nation might live…they gave the last full measure of devotion”.

Fly your flag today in remembrance of those brave and dedicated men and women who indeed gave the last full measure of devotion for all of us that we might continue to live in a country where we are free. That is the least we can do to remember and honor them and the sacrifice they made.

Whatever your day holds today, take at least a moment to remember and be grateful.

Jackie and Robin

If you would like to do more to help those families who have lost a loved one in service to us, check out, the Tunnels to Towers organization. Among other things, for your donation of just $11 a month, they provide much needed help to fallen soldiers and their families. The Gold Star Family Home Program, launched in September 2018, honors the legacy of those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. The Foundation will provide a mortgage-free home to surviving spouses with young children.

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