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Love Letters

My dear chum,

“To write a good love letter, you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say and to finish without knowing what you have written.”
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Printed cards that one buys certainly have their place, and sometimes say exactly what you are feeling, but hand written notes from the heart are probably the most cherished gifts one could receive.  There is no better way to tell someone how you feel about them – start writing and just let it flow.  It will be felt, deep into the soul of the receiver.

Love letters are not only romantic but could be from a mother to a daughter or son, a brother to a sister, a child to a parent.  Expressing love is such a wonderful thing to do – both for the expresser and the recipient.

It really does not matter what you write it on, but beautiful stationery does add a special touch.  Robin and I happen to love fine stationery and it is hard for us to come out of a stationery shop without having purchased some little thing – a package of notecards or a special colored pen to use for writing.  Obviously, the important thing about a love letter is its content – the words that have bubbled up from a feeling of love.

{Photos by Linda Scolinos of Party Snaps}

If you have not sat down for a while to write a letter to someone close to you, why not give it a try this Valentine’s Day.  “My darling” or “Dearest”, “My dear”, or “Dear one” is a great way to start……and just let, just let your heart do the work.  You will be surprised at what will be on the paper and what joy it will bring to your loved one.

This comes with love to you,


The ninth day of  February



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  1. Wendy #

    What I love best, Is seeing the two of you each day!

    February 9, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      And Wendy we love knowing that across the miles you are visiting us 🙂

      February 9, 2012
  2. Amanda #

    What a beautiful reminder of a long lost art! I’ll be sure to write a love letter this Valentine’s day.

    February 9, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      …and I know he will absolutely love it.

      February 9, 2012
  3. What a lovely post! Who wouldn’t enjoy receiving a handwritten note of love, especially now that gadgets and the internet have taken over and replaced the good old fashioned letter writing skills. Quickly becoming a lost art, I’m afraid.

    ~ Lisa xoxo

    February 9, 2012
  4. Lea #

    Thanks for the reminder Two Chums! Nothing takes the place of a hand written note. 🙂

    February 9, 2012
  5. Richard Horner #

    My dear Jackie,

    I am writing to let you know how very much I always enjoy and cherish your sweet notes of gratitude and love. I always love your style and your beautiful hand writing. I know you speak the truth about writing a hand written note because I have, countless times, been the recipient of such cards and notes from you.

    How grateful I am for our friendship and for the sweet love you give to all the lives you touch.

    With oceans of love to you (and much gratitude for your “Chums” Daily Life),

    Dick Horner

    February 10, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      Thank you, dear friend!

      Much love, Jackie

      February 10, 2012
  6. Sally Tingley #

    Dear Jackie and Robin,

    I love all your postings, and I love you!


    February 11, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      ~and we love you, Sally! Thanks!

      February 11, 2012

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