Lead By Example
This is an entry from a very popular site on Instagram, called AussieDave. Each day there is a new inspiration or devotional taken from the Bible, that relates so beautifully to real life and the situations we all find ourselves in on a regular basis. Following is an excerpt from the entry that accompanied this photo. We think is outstanding and wanted to share it with you our chums. AussieDave posted the following:
If you happen to be on Instagram you can get Dave’s words of wisdom each day at aussiedave. You can also order a book Dave has put together of many of these inspirational posts on Amazon called Chasing The Light. We think we could all use a bit more wisdom in these trying and difficult times. And we can certainly all remember that, as Dave has said, the world is changed by our example, not our opinions. Here’s to setting great examples for our children, and their children, and their children’s children. Here’s to a truly abundant life!

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