Labor Day Continues

Yesterday was Labor Day but our respect for the American worker and desire to honor those extraordinary individuals who pursue excellence and persever goes on. So in that vain we have yet another special person whose story we want to share with you today.
The woman in the photo is Betty Reid Soskin age 100 and vital as ever in pursuit of excellence at the job she loved. Here is what the photographer, Frederic Aranda, who took this striking photo of Betty had to say about her:

So one more time, in celebration of the American worker and Labor Day we say to Betty, “Well Done!…You are the epitome of excellence and determination. The driving spirit that makes our country special is what we see when we see you. You, and all the men and women of this country who give their all and do their very best day in and day out are what makes us great. So again we repeat to you, ‘A job very Well Done Betty’!!”

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