Know Yourself
How very important it is to really know yourself….know what you are made of, all of the wonderful qualities that come together to make you you!Recently, your Two Chums were a little “put out” shall we say, when we heard that a well recognized British author had really gone to town on the Duchess of Cambridge, aka Catherine Middleton, in a rather horrible way. Her words were most unkind and, as far as we are concerned, completely unwarranted! We began thinking about how Catherine must have felt when she heard all of this and that is when we talked about, amongst ourselves, how important it is for her to know who she is and what her purpose is. If she is not aware of who she is, she might easily be set off balance. We have the feeling that she does know herself….we feel that Prince William really prepared her well for what might be coming. On the day last week that the story broke about Hilary Mantels comments about Kate, she was out “at work” making a public appearance and all smiles as usual for those whom she was meeting.
Nonetheless, we wanted to write something to someone letting them know how very disappointed we are about the bad press.
Not only is it important for “celebrities” to know who they are, we feel it is equally important for all of us to know who we are. When something comes along to try to tell you you are something you know you are not, you simply have to pay no attention to it and not allow it to effect your day to day goings on. Don’t let someone else’s idea of who you are or who you should be, set you off kilter. If you gauge who you are, or how you are, by other people’s ideas of who you should be, you will always be tossed by the winds of opinion and never feel confident and steady. You’ll never be really sure of yourself. Just know who you are and be yourself. As the saying goes…”Always be yourself, everyone else is already taken!”
So, go for it – get to know yourself – inside out and upside down! It will be a great journey!

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Love this one, Chums! Shame on Ms. Mantel!
We agree, whole heartedly! Shame on her!