Keep Your Sense Of Humor

If you either have a toddler, or know one, who will understand this father’s experience.
This came from am Instagram post of a Tweet made by an exhausted father.

Those of us who have little ones around or work with them will get a nice chuckle from the dilemma this parent faced in trying to understand his child and his attempt to keep him from crying.
As one of dear chums once said regarding explaining the difficult behavior of your child in public:
“If those people watching have a child, there is no explanation necessary.
If they don’t have a child, there is no explanation good enough.”
We suggest keeping a good sense of humor at all times, and a notebook to write down theses sorts incidents. It will go a long way towards helping you find the humor in an otherwise trying moment. There is an old Jewish proverb we love, “As soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.”
We hope you laugh out loud today, and even more, that you make someone else laugh too. Besides filling your heart with love and your soul with joy, you’ll know what real abundant living feels like 🙂

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