It’s Never Too Late
If you are old enough to read this post, chances are you know this man. But do you know his story? At age 5 he lost his father. At age 16 he quit school. By age 17 he had already lost 4 jobs. Between the ages of 18 – 22 there was more loss and failure. He tried his hand at being a railroad conductor but failed. He joined the army but washed out there too. He applied for law school, but that didn’t work out either. He became an insurance salesman but failed at that as well. At age 20, his wife left him taking their young daughter with her. He then took a job as a cook in little cafe connected to a gasoline filling station. At age 65 he retired.
Feeling he had failed at so much in life, he reportedly considered suicide. But he reconsidered when he realized there was one thing he did really well….cooking. So he bought some chicken and fried it up with his “special recipe of 11 herbs and spices”. He went door to door selling his fried chicken.
By age 88, Colonel Sanders, was the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, KFC, a billion dollar enterprise! Are you feeling a little (or maybe a lot) discouraged at how your life is turning out? Do you sometimes feel like you missed your “calling” in life? If there is something you love doing, or know you are really good at, we say “go for it”! After all, there is an important take away from Colonel Sanders life story. What is it? Just this…..You are never too old to be a roaring success at whatever it is you were born to do! Whatever it is, do what you love and you will be sure to have a very abundant life 🙂

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