It’s In The Details

Have you ever stopped to realize that there are so many things all around us that we so easily take for granted? But even the ordinary, the everyday things, can be extraordinary. It’s in the details.
Take birds for example. When you think of birds, it’s may be sparrows or pigeons, or maybe a woodpecker or bluejay that you saw in your garden that comes to mind.
But as ordinary and common place as birds are, there are those that by anyone’s standards are anything but ordinary.
Take a look at these:

Spectacular aren’t they? You can’t help but to wonder how it is that something so very common place as a bird could be so incredible. A child with a box full of the brightest crayons could not create an image more colorful and unique. What makes them so refreshingly beautiful? The answer…..

You may not encounter a bird that looks like any of these every day, but there is amazing, unexpected beauty everywhere, evidences of God’s handiwork. God did this just to delight us! Keep your eyes and mind open, and your heart full of gratitude, and you will be amazed at the beauty and delight you will witness everywhere you turn. It’s in the details.

Speaking of extraordinary, that very well describes this man who was born 70 years ago today. He is a delight to me, his children, his grandchildren, his whole family, his friends and pretty much anyone who meets him. He has colored my world in extraordinary ways, had a grateful heart, playful spirit and brought so much joy and delight into all our lives. So today we celebrate you Randy and thank God for all the beauty you create with your music, your stories, your many gifts…your life. Happy birthday honey!

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Happy birthday! We share the same date.
Have a most wonderful day, Randy… this is one of those biggies! And thank you for emailing such nice wishes your August 9, 1951 cohort, John! Robin and I are super blessed! 😘