Tragedy To Triumph

Everyone’s “normal” has been shifted to a different place. We are in unknown territory, a land that is unfamiliar to any of us. But for most of us, the results of this pandemic are largely inconvenient. For some who have themselves become ill, or have family members who have, or who have lost their jobs or businesses, the results can be very frightening. And for those who have lost loved ones, this has been devastating.
Today we share a true story of a family who faced massive loss, the kind gratefully, few of us hopefully ever have or ever will, face in our lifetimes. But the point of this story is not their hardship and loss, but rather in the face of the grief, sadness and personal loss and devastation, their response.
This broadcast was aired this past December. It was clearly meant for Christmas, before most of us had ever yet heard the words “corona virus”, but we think this message is timeless and very appropriate to what is happening in our country and our world right now.
Whatever pain, fear, or hardship this pandemic has created in your life, may you, may we all, rise from the ashes to go on to help others, to feel God’s love, to find His light in the darkness, and to proclaim triumphantly, “It is well with my soul!”

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