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Is Graciousness Out Of Style?


We say, “Absolutely not!”

Living in California, as your Two Chums do, one might think that graciousness is no longer “in vogue”…..people do not seem to have the time to be gracious.

BUT, it dawned on us just the other day whilst chatting with some friends, everyone we run into seems to love the series, “Downton Abbey” which tells us that people DO indeed appreciate graciousness and all that goes with it.


Downton Abbey has been such a huge hit and, for us, graciousness is the quality that shines right through the series.  After all, what would Downton Abbey be without graciousness?  Golly, rather dull, we think!

Let’s not let this wonderful quality go “out of vogue”.  Let’s make it more popular than ever.  After all, it’s all of us that drive fashion and what’s in vogue and what is not.  Let’s make sure we all use it.  We all do have it…..we just have to use it!  Write a sweet thank you note, take a thoughtful little gift to your hostess, pass the pepper as well as the salt when only the salt is asked for, think of something lovely to do for your neighbor, smile at a stranger as you are walking down the street.  On and on the list goes.

Use it abundantly!   Yes, use it abundantly.










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