In Celebration of Memorial Day – Well Done!
Today, Memorial Day, we remember and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.The last Monday in May of every year we celebrate those service men and women who have given their lives in service to their country. Though in America this observance began following the Civil War, the idea of remembering and honoring those who have died in service is one that is far more ancient. At least 24 centuries ago the Athenian leader, Pericles, said regarding those who had been lost in battle: “Not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions, but there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men.”
This truly sums up the way we, today in modern times, still feel towards those who have died on our behalf. We do not have words or ceremony that can adequately express our appreciation.
Maybe the best way to show our appreciation to those who have given their lives is to live in such a way as to make the world a better place. This past week in the graduation ceremonies at the University of Texas, a Navy Seal, Admiral William McRaven delivered a speech to remind those who would listen just how they could live in such a way as to change the world and make it better.
We could give you just some excerpts, but we think this address is worth your time to listen to :
Making the sacrifice to serve, and dying as a result, is noble and honorable and we must remember those who have done so, often and well, not just on the last Monday of May. Not all of us or our loved ones will have the opportunity to serve our country in battle. But we can, each of us, make the choice to live in such a way as to change the world. In doing so we can honor those, living and dead, who have served us, and in some small way, we too can serve.
To all those brave soldiers who sacrificed that we might have our freedom we humbly say thank you and…WELL DONE ! Honor them by always loving extravagantly, expressing your joy without hesitation, and living fully and abundantly 🙂
P.S. If you would like a transcript of Admiral McRaven’s speech you can get it here.

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Thank you for this. I had heard parts of this on the radio and now I have heard the whole thing. It was perfect for a graduation and for all of us to hear today!
What a beautiful speech! Thanks for sharing.
Yes, right on!
Love your blog, Robin! I know that Randy is an expert smoker……what is his favorite or a good smoker to buy for Father’s Day? Shhh……it’s a secret.