I Give Thanks For…
I give thanks for____________. We can each one fill in that blank with all manner of things. But today I want to take a moment to say I am so very thankful for my dear chum Jackie. I saw something recently which epitomizes her and thought this a good occasion to share it. If you are a mom you will “get” this right away:
Over the many years of our friendship, Jackie has been a second mother to my children, listened to me cry over any number of things someone else might have said was silly, and dutifully has told me when my appearance needed adjustment….(i.e. “Darling, you could use a bit of lipstick.”) Friends are a most precious gift. If you have a good one (or ones) it is always a good time to tell them, but maybe this week especially, how very grateful you are for them in your life. You will both feel the richer for it. As Jackie reminds me so often….”Gratitude is riches”.

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Yes, our precious Jackie is like a mum and a big sister too. She’s “practically perfect in every way”, as Mary Poppins would say.
Thank you Jackie & Robin, for being the wonderful & gracious ladies that you are and for teaching all so many things through your TWO CHUMS blog. All of us who know you ladies are grateful to have you in our lives.