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How Quickly They Grow Up

If you have little ones in your life, be they your children, grandchildren, godchildren, or special friends, you know how quickly the time goes.  Blink and that baby who a minute ago was learning to walk is now asking to borrow the car keys.  It is a fun thing to take the time to mark the time and remember how quickly they are growing and changing right before your eyes.  So, today we have three ideas of ways to commemorate that growth and those changes.

Take a photo each year at the same time. A birthday is a good way to remember, but it could be every first day of school, or every year on your favorite holiday, or every January 1.  Whenever you decide is the best time, take a photo of your child in the same place every year and have them hold a copy of the photo from the previous year.  That way in each photo you will be creating a visual timeline of the child’s growth and changes.  Each year the new photo can go in a frame in a promenade place ready to be the “prop” photo for next years new photo.  Even if your children aren’t babies anymore you can still start this fun photo remembrance now.  You could even do all the kids as a group, or photograph the whole family in the same spot year to year with one of you holding the photo from the previous year.  This is a really fun project.

Another idea that involves photos is to take a picture each year using the same object or prop, as in the case of this photo using the tiara.  It could be a baseball glove, or a book, or any treasured object that will stand the test of time.

Our last idea today is a really fun project.  Beginning preferably when your child is very small, make a foot print in a cement block.  Each year alternate the foot, right foot one year, left the next and so on.  Eventually you will have a path for your garden that is a reminder of the little feet that played, and grew up there.

 Time passes quickly.  Make a plan to capture ordinary moments now.  They will be your treasures before you know it.  And remember to do it all with love and great joy!

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