How High?
Ever wonder what the correct height is for a painting or print on the wall?
Well, according to Kerrie Kelly, a California based designer, this is how you figure it out (and, by the way, your Two Chums totally agree with her).
Eyeballing height accurately is tough, though, so as a rule of thumb, refer to a guideline used by curators worldwide: Hang your artwork at 57” on center. “On center” means that the middle of the artwork is always 57” from the floor.
Here’s how (it may look complicated, but we promise it’s not!)
- Measure and mark 57” on the wall with a pencil.
- Measure the height of your wall art and divide by two (this is the center).
- Measure the top of your picture to its tightened wire
- Subtract the tightened wire height from ½ the wall art’s height—this will tell you how far above your initial 57” mark you should place your hook. (For example: a 20”-tall photo with a tight wire located 2” below the top should have a hook placed at 8” above the mark. 10” – 2” = 8”; the hook should be placed 65” off the floor.)
- Mark your hook height, and hang your art.
“This isn’t a hard rule, but it works when you just want to guarantee that your piece will look good,” says Sacher. Other design experts argue that anywhere between 56” and 60” is a good eye height as well, so use your judgment—just keep it consistent throughout your home for best results.
So, get your measuring tape and start hanging!

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