Hot Dog It’s Labor Day
Labor Day is a legal national holiday dating back to the end of the nineteenth century. It has evolved into a general “last fling of summer” festival.
It started as a parade in honor of the working class by the Knights of Labor in 1882 in New York. The parade was held on the first Monday in September and was designated by them as Labor Day as it has continued to be known.
All over this country today, people will be having cookouts and celebrate the holiday with hot dogs. Where you are living in this great country of ours will dictate just what kind of dogs you will enjoy 🙂
Here are just some of the regional varieties that you may or may not find familiar. You may decide to try out one of these today at your cookout or just stick to a classic all American dog.
Sonorans (Southwest Dogs)
Photograph from Mr Frosted on Flickr
The Sonoran hot dog, found in Tucson, Metro Phoenix, and in neighboring Sonora, Mexico, is a hot dog wrapped in mesquite-smoked bacon then cooked on a grill or on a griddle then topped with freshly chopped tomatoes, onions, shredded yellow or cotijo cheese, tomatillo salsa or red chili sauce, pinto beans, mayonnaise, ketchup and/or mustard, and served on bread and often with a fresh-roasted chili.
Slaw Dogs (The South)
Hot dogs topped with a sweet, finely chopped, mayo-based coleslaw are popular in the South. Variations can include the chili-slaw (cole slaw, mustard, raw onion, minced all-meat chili) or BBQ slaw.
Kosher and Kosher-style (NYC )
Kosher dogs are all-beef and come either skinless or in collagen casing, while kosher-style dogs are stuffed into natural casing, which gives it that snap when bitten. As for the classic kosher or kosher-style, you can’t go wrong, especially when griddled and topped with sauerkraut and a smear of mustard.
Italian-style (New Jersey)
There are numerous ways to prepare an Italian hot dog. The basic dish consists of a cooked (usually deep-fried) hot dog placed in an Italian roll or pizza bread, and topped with a combination of fried bell peppers, onions, and potatoes.
Chicago Dog (Chicago)
A Chicago-style hot dog, or Chicago Dog, is a steamed or water-simmered, all-beef frankfurter on a poppy seed bun, originating from Chicago. The hot dog is topped with yellow mustard; chopped white onions; bright green sweet pickle relish; a dill pickle spear; tomato slices or wedges; pickled sport peppers; and a dash of celery salt. The complete assembly of a Chicago hot dog is said to be “dragged through the garden” due to the many toppings.
Coneys (Midwest)
Coney Island hot dog (also Coney dog or Coney) refers to a natural casing beef hot dog, topped with an all-meat beanless chili, and diced or chopped white onions with one or two strips of yellow mustard. A Coney Dog is not to be confused with a Chili Dog, a more generic name for a chili-topped hot dog.
Pink’s Chili Dogs (Los Angeles)
Photograph from PunkJr on Flickr
Pink’s chili dogs are legendary: all-beef, natural casing, and topped with onions, mustard, and a slather of meaty chili in a steamed bun. Variations include: the foot-long jalapeno dog; the Ozzy Spice Dog with a spicy Polish sausage, Nacho cheese, American cheese, grilled onions, guacamole and chopped tomatoes; and the bacon chili cheese dog.
709 North La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90038 323 302-4779
No matter what kind of hot dog you prefer, enjoy this day as you celebrate Labor Day, the end of summer, and the beginning of a new school year and a new Fall season.
Here’s to a Fall full of love, joy and abundant living 🙂

One Labor Day, I was graced with a sister. How appropriate I always thought. Better than eating any variety of hot dog for sure and more long lasting too!
MUCH better than a hot dog, for sure!
Pink’s is the Best, but the line is always llooooooonng. I remember it in the old days, when lines were short.
I also remember, on Labor Day:
Yes, Pinks certainly is a great place to get a good hot dog!
What a mouth-watering post, Chums!!
So glad you liked it.