Her Majesty The Queen Turns 90!
Celebrations are happening all over Great Britain and beyond today as Queen Elizabeth II marks her 90th birthday!
Always loving to follow fashion and style, your Two Chums thought it would be rather fun to post photographs of the Queen through the years.
1930. Look at this darling little toddler, little Princess Elizabeth, as she was then known. At three years old, she looked sweet in all her ruffles.
1935. As an eight-year-old Princess, Elizabeth wore a flower crown to complete her tulle-trimmed outfit.
1935. Ahead of the fashion curve (or behind, let’s be honest!), Princess Elizabeth is shown here in a wonderful cape.
1940. Just “kicking back” here at Windsor Castle and enjoying a good book, Princess Elizabeth at 13 is enjoying the country life.
1947. Elizabeth had fallen in love with her Prince, Philip Mountbatten, and the day finally came when they were to be married. On November 20, 1947, the Princess wore a flowing gown designed by British designer Norman Hartnell to walk down the aisle at Westminster Abbey and say “I do” to the Greek Prince Philip. Their marriage has proven to be a long-lasting, strong one and Philip has certainly stood behind her (figuratively as well as in terms of physical positioning) through thick and thin.
1947. The newlyweds as they honeymoon in Malta, where the Prince was stationed at the time. It would be nice to see them holding hands but, for the time, that was just “not done”. Oh, how things have changed!
1951. Oh la la! Sparkle, sparkle! On another visit to Malta, the Queen pulled all the stops out! Looks a little like the newly termed “Hollywood”!
1952. If the Queen had her way, she would be constantly surrounded by her dogs! Here she is at Balmoral Castle in Scotland with her beloved pups.
1953. Another Norman Hartnell creation! This was taken a few days prior to her Coronation Day and is the smashing gown that she would wear for the official ceremony.
1953. With the incredible St. Edward’s Crown (a design made of gold that features sapphires, tourmalines, and other precious stones) atop her royal head, the Queen and Prince Philip sit for this portrait at Buckingham Palace on June 2, 1953, to commemorate Her Majesty’s Coronation.
1954. Australia greeted the Queen and Prince Philip in 1954 and this green dress was her choice to wear on the balcony of Government House in Melbourne. Quite “fab”, we would say!
1954. And, on that same tour of Australia, Her Majesty wore this darling lacy white ensemble to a garden party. As with all garden parties, a hat was in order. Your Two Chums wish to spread the hat story! A hat always adds “chic-ness” to an outfit. Why don’t we wear them more often?
1957. Two lovely ladies sharing a bit of “girl talk”. Obviously, that is Queen Elizabeth on the right. Her Majesty is enjoying conversation with Germaine Coty, the wife of then French president Rene Coty.
1958. At 32, the Queen had known what it was to be the Queen of Great Britain for 5 years. This is an official portrait that was taken at Buckingham Palace at the time.
1964. Attending a performance at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, The Queen really “did it up”!
1965. Diamonds and furs!
1969. Mother and daughter. What absolute fun! The Queen is shown here with Princess Anne, the now “Princess Royal” in Vienna, Austria. It must have been a “state” affair as they are both sporting tiaras and sashes.
1971. Flying off with her darling corgis.
1975. The Queen attends a polo match with her husband, Prince Philip, who was no doubt competing in the match.
1976. Another polo match!
1977. This was New Zealand! What an absolutely striking outfit she wore!
1977. Another turban-style hat, this time with the tie to the side.
1982. A kind of “laid back” photograph that one seldom sees of the Queen and her Prince. They apparently were in the South Pacific, perhaps aboard their beloved yacht, The Britannia.
1983. And here, in our native California, on a visit to the Institute of Oceanography in San Diego, the Queen looks a wee bit “nautical”.
1999. A golden gown for a “golden” lady celebrating her golden wedding anniversary with Prince Philip.
2000. The Queen chose this rather sparkling, satiny gown to attend a state banquet with the Italian president in Rome.
2011. One of our very favorite looks of the Queen! This absolutely sunshiny outfit that she wore for the Royal Wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William suited her so very well! We are sorry that she is not smiling although we feel certain that she was “smiling in her heart”. What a momentous occasion this was. The whole world stood still as we watched.
2012. One of our very favorite photographs, this one is of the Queen with Catherine and they are both Queen in absolute ” stitches”! It is hard not to laugh when looking at this!
2013. A more solemn affair, the Queen is pictured here on the 60th anniversary of her Coronation.
And here we are in 2016, the year that marks the 90th birthday of this amazing lady. “Brava”, we say! How very delightful she is!

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What a lovely walk down memory lane! Thank you for sharing all of this joy, Princess Jackie!!
Your Two Chums love the Royals, as you know!
Thank you for sharing those terrific photos of Her Majesty! She is a true gem!