Happy Birthday Sir
On Sunday, Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, became our oldest living former President, celebrating his 99th birthday .
No matter what you may think of his political opinions or decisions, a man who has devoted his life, and continues to devote himself, to acknowledging that his faith demands it is his duty and his privilege to make a difference, is to be admired and respected. This commitment and attitude about serving others sounds very much like that of the late Queen Elizabeth. Though from very different beginnings and circumstances, they are of the same era, born only a few years apart. People of that time have an understanding of sacrifice and duty that we can only hope our current and future leaders can begin to grasp. Both Mr. Carter and the late Queen shared a deep and abiding faith in God that shaped them not just as leaders but as people. We are grateful for their kind of thinking and these words of encouragement to future generations from one who has traveled many of life’s journeys, through many chapters and seasons of life and even at 99 years old is still seeking to serve.
So to Jimmy Carter we say, Well Done Mr. President and Happy Birthday!

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