Good News Gospel!

Oh, how your Two Chums LOVE sharing good news! This is a story we read which was written by a very happy Robert Hartwell last week.
“3 weeks ago I found this house online. I said, “This is my house”.
I called the seller and was told it was a cash only offer and that “I’m sure that takes you off the table”. Don’t you ever underestimate a hard working black man.
I saw the house last week and when I walked in I knew I was home. The house was built in 1820 for the Russell family who owned the cotton mill in town. Slavery was still legal.
When the agent asked me why I wanted such a large house I said it was “a generational move”. I know this house is bigger than me.
I wish I could’ve told my ancestors when they were breaking their back in 1820 to build this house that 200 years later a free gay black man was going to own it and fill it with love and find a way to say their name even when 200 years later they still thought I would be “off the table”.
We are building our own tables. I’ve never been prouder to be a black man. Come to my White House any time. I can’t wait to have you!
Glory to God in the highest. I’m a homeowner.”
What a very heartwarming story this is. We love spreading heartwarming stories!
Your Two Chums,

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What a touching story! Think of all he has overcome to get to this place in his life.
We loved it as well. Love to share good news stories like this one. So glad you enjoyed it.