Good Messages
When we so often see questionable or unpleasant messages on children’s clothing, we were thrilled to see some with really good messages:-) In general we are not big fans of clothing with images and writing because so many of the messages and images are not particularly positive. But these fun t-shirts are exceptions. When we came across this shirt in a photo in a FB post, made by one of our chums of her two sweet boys, we did some research to see where the rest of our chums could buy them too. We found the shirt in her post and another great one as well. They are only $6 at and have messages parents should be proud to see their child wearing.
You can get this shirt from . The link for this shirt is here
Order this shirt with it’s great message from or simply click here
Whether you have a child or grandchild who could wear on of these shirts or not, as you start your week the messages they give are still really wonderful ones for us all….Be Thankful and Be Kind 🙂

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What cute boys! ❤️ So honored! – Jer