Gifts From The Heart

Just looking at this cork topped glass tube you would never know there is a treasure inside.
Last week was my birthday. I had a lovely celebration with my family. It was a perfect day. They are the greatest gifts in my life. They know me so well that anything they ever give me as a gift at any occasion is absolutely appreciated and always spot on.
But this year there was a gift that touched me to the core. Not any part of it had any worldly value but to me, it was as they say…priceless. Wrapped up in a pretty box with a beautiful bow was the tube you see above. When I was clearly unsure as to what it was or what I should do with it, I was instructed to open it and take out the contents. I did so obediently and laid them out in front of me.

I wondered why these particular items had been chosen, but I didn’t wonder long. “Let me tell you what these are and why I picked them.”

“This one represents our family. We are all individual but we are still connected.”

“This one is a nail. I picked this one because it represents how you hold us all together.”

“These are rocks. I picked these because they are strong and they sparkle like you do.”

“This is a paint brush. You love to paint things and you are so creative. That’s why I chose this one.”

“This is a pin. I picked this one because you are always sewing and making things for us.”

“This one is a rose petal. I picked this one because it is beautiful and you are beautiful to me.”
What made this gift and the thoughtfulness behind it all the more precious to me is that it came from my 9 year old granddaughter, Evangeline. I learned she had planned and picked and put together these ordinary items all on her own and wrapped the gift herself. It was truly a gift from her heart and a treasure that profoundly touched my heart.
I’m sharing this because it was such a big reminder to me that so often we forget how deeply children can feel and think about things, how they feel about people they love. They don’t always know how to express it as thoughtfully as Evangeline was able to do but those thoughts and feelings are there in their minds and in their hearts. We just need to give them the tools to know how to express what it is they feel.
That evening the only person with a smile as big as mine, was Evangeline. She had shared her heart. What a beautiful and perfect, priceless gift indeed.

I have to tell you here that she learned that art of sharing her heart from her parents who are among the most generous people I know. Her mommy, Amanda, is my daughter who happens to be celebrating her birthday today. She is a not only a wonderful mommy but a beautiful, loving wife, friend, sister and daughter. I couldn’t be prouder to be her mother or happier to celebrate her today or any day!

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Hi Lolli thank you so much for sharing my presents it means a lot that You liked My gift ๐ thank you โค๏ธLove Evie๐งก๐๐๐๐ค๐ค๐ค๐
Hi Lolli!! thank you for sharing.My gift It means a lot๐๐Love Evie ๐
absolutely best gift ever!
Sweet Evangeline, and happy belated birthdays to Robin and Amanda!! xx