Gifts For Mothers

If you happen to be of Mexican decent you know the today is Dia de la Madre (Mother’s Day). In Mexico Mother’s Day is always May 10th regardless of what day of the week it is. In America, Mother’s Day always falls on the second Sunday in May, which this year is this Sunday, May 14th.
Whether you are wanting to celebrate your mother, grandmother, aunt, or some other wonderful woman who poured into your life to help you become the person you are today, we have some gift ideas for you to get the gift giving juices flowing.

This lady is a kick! In her seventies she has quite a following and presence on social media and teaches in person master classes in The Art of Dressing. Whether your mother is one for big style statements or not she can surely enjoy the flare and style this spunky lady displays. You can buy her book at good bookstores or here on Amazon. At under $20 all moms can enjoy a bit of fun and fashion.

Your mother will be reminded all season long that you love and appreciate her with the lovely blooms and fragrance of this mini indoor gardenia tree. At under $35 it is a gift that keeps on giving as it blooms from Spring into late Autumn and then will bloom again next Spring. You can order it here from Amazon. That beautiful gardenia fragrance is intoxicating and the the plant is really lovely and hardy. Order right away though. It says it ships in 3-5 days but mine came right away so if you order today you likely will arrive in time for Mother’s day.

While these feathery slippers may be anything but practical, they are by all accounts very fun and flirty and what woman doesn’t enjoy being fun and flirty from time to time. These aren’t something your mother would probably buy for herself which makes them all the more fun to give and to receive. Just be sure you get her right size. Click here for the link to order.
Just three ideas to get the creative gift giving juices flowing. Happy gift giving for a very Happy Mother’s Day!

I couldn’t talk about Mother’s Day and gifts without acknowledging the beautiful gift I received on this date, May 10th, that made me a mother for the very first time…her name is Sara Joy and joy is what she has brought to all our lives. Happy Birthday Sara….you always have been and always will be a joy and a treasure! I couldn’t love you more <3

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