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Get Involved!

When I was told at a particular school that there was no PTA, I knew that this was not the school for our son, Trevor!

Yes, I could not believe it when we asked about the PTA at a school that we were visiting to see if it was the right school for Trevor and were told that there simply was not one.  It spoke to us immediately of the caliber of the school.  It was hard for us to believe that there were not even a few parents to form a PTA and therefore help the school, but it was true.  Where parents are involved, you are going to have a much better school, on many levels.

I have always loved being involved with my children’s schools and highly recommend it to all of you with school-aged children.  When parents get involved, there is most often a lot of fund raising that takes place which means that the school is able to provide more for the children.   But far beyond that aspect of parents’ involvement is what your involvement says to your children.  It tells them that you care about what they are doing – that you are doing your part to make sure that their school experience is a good one.

In this world where people’s schedules become so busy and full, it is often difficult to squeeze one more thing in but, looking in the rear view mirror, I can assure you that you will never regret getting involved with your children’s school, or any of their activities, for that matter.  There will be times when you will do more or less but, “get involved” is the message, however much or little that you are able.  Whether your child is in a public or a private school, they all can use extra help from the parents, I assure you.

Grandparents, you too!  If you are fortunate enough to live close to your grandchildren, there is going to be something that you can do to help those precious ones.  Whether it is helping to decorate for some event, baking cookies for a back to school night, going in and helping the children with their reading, or simply writing a check, there is going to be some way that you can help.

Nothing is more rewarding than helping to make your child’s experience more full – full to the brim with love, joy and abundance!





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  1. Allison #

    I didn’t think it was possible (or allowed) for a school not to have a PTA! As I start looking into preschools for our son, I – too – am realizing how important it is for parents to be involved and supportive of the school’s staff & faculty. It takes a village… and that village keeps getting budget cuts!

    August 21, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      Yes, I have found that parental support makes or breaks a school.

      August 21, 2012

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