Forward, Backwards and Upside Down!
Trivia Genius posed the question, “What is the only bird that can fly backward and upside down?”.
We found it all so interesting that we wanted to share it with you!
The answer is, (drum roll) hummingbird!
The flight of the hummingbird is quite impressive. These tiny birds are able to fly backward and forward, as well as sideways and even upside. They’re also able to hover in mid-air, helped along by wings that beat 70 times per second and up to 200 times per second when diving.
Those speedy aerodynamics come at a cost, however, and hummingbirds must consume twice their weight in nectar and insects every day to remain fueled.
That really is quite amazing ~ TWICE their weight in nectar and insects!
We do hope that you enjoy reading these fun facts as much as we love sharing them! We simply LOVE sharing good!
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I do, indeed, enjoy reading your posts and all the things I learn from you ladies. Would Hummingbirds enjoy a little cauliflower au gratin as a fuel snack? And are there Royal Hummingbirds that live at all of the British palaces & castles? You see, I do read almost every post except the shopping posts. I even remember how to wash my washing machine with white vinegar. I pay attention. And I remember all the yummy things that you cook up, like your special movie popcorn and the refreshing drink that the grandkids made up. Nothing you say gets past me. I still would like to have a job as your taste tester for all of these goodies. I guess Randy & Dennis have already filled that position. I’m just a day late and a dollar short? (Where did that saying come from?)
SO SO glad that you enjoy our Posts, Dick! We love having you read them!
A day late and a dollar short….homework!
As far as I’m (we’re) concerned, you Mr. Horner are ALWAYS right on time!! 🙂