Flag Day
Today is Flag Day in the United States! We found some fun facts about this very recognizable flag that we think you will enjoy.1. How did Flag Day originate?
Flag Day has a long history and began on the local level. Its origins date back to 1885, when a schoolteacher in Wisconsin had her class honor “Flag Birthday” on June 14 to mark the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777. From there, communities across the country began to mark the day.
2. When did Flag Day become a national holiday?
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson made a presidential proclamation, which officially established Flag Day. It was not until 1949, however, that President Harry Truman signed an act of Congress designating June 14 as Flag Day.
3. What does Flag Day commemorate?
Flag Day marks the official adoption of the American flag that flies all over the country today. The Flag Resolution of 1777 declared, in part: “Resolved, That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”
During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress adopted a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be thirteen alternate stripes red and white” and that “the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.” The national flag, which became known as the “Stars and Stripes,” was based on the “Grand Union” flag, a banner carried by the Continental Army in 1776 that also consisted of 13 red and white stripes. According to legend, Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross designed the new canton for the Stars and Stripes, which consisted of a circle of 13 stars and a blue background, at the request of General George Washington. Historians have been unable to conclusively prove or disprove this legend.
With the entrance of new states into the United States after independence, new stripes and stars were added to represent new additions to the Union. In 1818, however, Congress enacted a law stipulating that the 13 original stripes be restored and that only stars be added to represent new states.
4. How is Flag Day celebrated?
People are encouraged to display the American flag at homes and businesses on June 14. Some communities hold parades and other celebrations honoring the flag.
5. Where can I learn more about the American flag?
The United States Code devotes an entire section to the Flag Code, which covers how citizens should respectfully display and treat the American flag.
The American flag represents freedom, for sure. I will never forget, when we returned from Hawaii after 9/11, desperately wanting to have the American flag flying at our home and not being able to buy one anywhere! EVERYONE wanted to fly the flag and stores were sold out. We eventually were able to get one and love seeing it flying.
God bless America!

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