Finding Treasures
Meet Mr. Chin. He is my latest “find” and, oh how we are welcoming him into our home!
There is a wonderful consignment shop near where I live in the desert. It is called Private Collection and whenever one might pop in, one is sure to find some treasure that catches the eye. At least I do….EVERY time! The owners of this wonderful spot are very picky about what they accept into their store and it is displayed so beautifully, just waiting to be taken home.
I have learned, through the years, that if I see something that catches my fancy and keeps “speaking” to me after I have left the store, it is probably wisdom to go back and check it out another time. I might do that a few times before deciding that I should have it or not, and usually, if I have spent that much time on it, I come home with it and thoroughly enjoy it.
Look for pieces that will make a statement; that will make your room sparkle just with that one piece. A little bit of drama added here or there never hurts. It will tend to light your room up – give your room life. Now, this is not only true with furnishings and ornaments for the home, but also with things for yourself!
Usually, you know right off the bat that you have found a “treasure” as it will speak to your heart. It will want to go home with you.
Add to the joy, love and abundance of your life – look for a treasure!

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Jackie, Jackie, Jackie!! NO MORE “STUFF” yo dust. Your home is already perfect.
My regards to Mr. Chin. What a great addition to your “family” and home, abundant with love.
Well, of course Mr. Chin would want to come home with you dear one. He is a find.