Favorite Things – Christmas Tree Waterer
Whether you like to put your tree up early and have it up for a long time or you like to wait until closer to Christmas day, either way, your tree needs to be watered and needs to be watered often!
It always amazes us just how much water our trees take – twice a day we are filling it up.
A couple of years ago, we discovered this handy little tool to help us with the watering job. You stick it in the tree and velcro it (with the provided velcro) around one of the branches of your tree. The bottom of the “waterer” must be placed in your tree stand touching the bottom. Then you simply pour water through the top and there you have it…..easy watering.
You can purchase one of these at your local hardware store or, online here.
Enjoy this season – be sure to take your joy where ever you may go!

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