Favorite Finds – Renaissance Faire
If you have never been to a Renaissance Faire, you should think about going. But be sure you go in costume!We went as family last Mother’s Day and it was unanimously decided that we should make this an annual event. In our area the faire runs for about 7 weeks. What fun! Everyone there is not only in costume but in character as well. And not just the people who work there….I do mean everyone! They speak as you might expect someone from that time period to speak.
There is no electricity used in any of the exhibits or marketplace as there was no electricity yet discovered in that time period. And there is so much to do and everyone in our family loved it from the youngest 3 year olds to the my husband and I. There is something about putting on a costume that allows the child in you to come out no matter how old you are. Even our 14 year old grandson Jeremy, had a wonderful time and posted some photos on his Instagram. A friend commented about the weird people who might be there wearing costumes and Jeremy responded “There may be some weird people there but they are the ones NOT wearing costumes!”
The rides, like giant swings, are man powered. There are shows and acts in a multitude of venues and music and dancing everywhere. You can meet “The Queen” if you know how to curtsey. And the blacksmith will give you a lesson on how he works and on how to sharpen your sword on a wet stone.
There is archery and knife throwing and candle making for all ages. And everywhere you look there are pixies and fairies and pirates and wenches. There are Lords and Ladies and even the Queen. You might just see Rapunzel or Captain Hook or Robin Hood. Those aren’t even the people who work there…they are just the guests like we were. Just the same, all are friendly and happy to pose with you for photos. Here are just a few of the memories we made this year:
You can find a list of Renaissance Faires around the U.S. and Canada and when they are happening here.
If you decide to go, we can guarantee you won’t be sorry, and like we have, you too may decide to make it an annual event…a family tradition. Traditions and memory making moments bring so much love, joy and abundant living 🙂
P.S. I cannot let the day pass without wishing my beautiful daughter, Sara Joy, a very Happy Birthday. It was at her suggestion last year that we went to the Renaissance Faire for the first time and ultimately decided to make this a annual family outing. You are a delight to us all and as your name implies, you bring us so much joy. May you have a year filled to the brim and overflowing with happy surprises and may you have more of God’s blessings than you can possibly count!

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What an experience you all must have shared in your most authentic extraordinary costumes made by the Queens private seamstress! Alas a grand time for all of the lovelies and handsome gents,
You make me miss going to Faire so much. I just can’t walk that much any more. You didn’t even mention the food, wood and leather goods, puppets ( which I bought to use at school), toys, and of course the jewelry!! Oh my. I did so love it. Happy birthday. Happy Mothers’ Day.