That word, “fascinator”, could mean many things, we understand. One who is fascinated with something could be a fascinator. Or, on the other hand, one who fascinates could be a fascinator! But neither of those is what we mean!
What we are really talking about here today is a type of hat. It is a headpiece, really, that is kept on ones head by way of a head band or a comb.
With the royal wedding happening this coming weekend at Windsor Castle, there is a lot of talk of fascinators and, if you choose to watch it on the telly, you will see lots and lots – all shapes and colours (English spelling, of course) and sizes! Tune in….you will not be disappointed.
Sadly, here in the United States, not many people choose to wear something on their head but we are encouraging you to do so. If you are having a luncheon, for example, ask that the ladies wear hats. It really is a fun thing to do and you will find that your guests actually enjoy it.
In London, all of the wonderful department stores, (Harrods, for example, Selfridges, Peter Jones, Fortnum and Mason Fenwicks, etc) have a hat department and they sell lots and lots of hats. They sell lots of hats because ladies wear hats in the UK. At any given day time wedding, for example, you will see that most of the ladies are wearing hats.
Although fascinators are not something one sees a lot of in the stores here in the U.S., Ebay has a lot on their site for sale. Go here, for example, and you will see the one that we have pictures above. But there are many, many, many….lots of different designs and colors on Ebay and also on Amazon. Just type in “fascinator” in the search line and many will come up. You can find just the right one for you, we feel sure.
Please, we urge you…..plan a party where the ladies have to wear hats. It really will be a big hit!
Abundant joy, for sure!

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