Fall + Fun + Food = Pumpkin
It’s Fall. Everywhere you look there are pumpkins….those iconic symbols of the season. They are great to decorate with but equally great to eat. So we wanted to give you some new and fun ideas about how to use pumpkins each week throughout this Fall.Today we want to share an article we found on the Food Network website. It is 50 ways to use canned pumpkin….that’s right 50!!! We confess we haven’t tried them all. The truth is we haven’t tried most. But given that there are 50 of them, there are bound to be 1 or 2 at least that appeal to you. Just click here to see them all. We would love to hear which ones you try and really like.
more love …?…
more joy… well maybe…
more abundant living …we think yes!

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Today we lunched at Briganti in South Pasadena. I had the special of pumpkin ravioli (or maybe tortellini). The creamy sage and cheese sauce was delicious with the green (sage or maybe spinach) pasta.
Sounds so yummy!!!