Encouragers Wanted!
Oh how true this is! And the good news is that we are all, each one of us, capable of becoming an encourager. Our words are powerful and can bring healing and life to those we encounter, or bring pain and death.
Let’s all choose to be encouragers today to everyone we meet. You may just bring hope to someone who desperately needs it and you will feel encouraged yourself for having been kind to someone else. Especially go out of your way to encourage someone who may be grumpy, or difficult, or unkind or unhelpful to you….they probably need the encouragement the most!
Let us all know how it goes. We would love to hear your stories and we will certainly be encouraged by them too. Then start again tomorrow to be a blessing, not just to someone, but to everyone you meet. Oh what a wonderful world this would be of we all just took time to be an encourager. Critics….look out…we, the encouragers, are taking over 🙂

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