Encore – No “Fly” Zone
Many of you will be eating outside tomorrow for Father’s Day so with that in mind and Summer coming and lots of outdoor dining ahead this seemed the perfect time for this Encore. After all, no matter who else is on your guest list NOBODY invited the flies!
According to Wikipedia: “A no-fly zone is a territory or an area over which aircraft are not permitted to fly.” We aren’t referring to that no fly zone. According to your Two Chums “A no-fly zone is a territory or an area over which flies are not permitted to fly.”
In an article we came across recently a mid-western woman was marveling at a discovery she had made while on vacation in San Diego, California. The weather, she reported. was beautiful (it usually is in San Diego) so she and her husband opted for eating outside on the patios of all the restaurants they went to. She kept noticing that on the tables at every restaurant were small dishes with what looked like clove studded lemon halves.
After seeing this at several restaurants she asked the waiter what they were. She was amazed to learn that they were indeed lemon halves with whole cloves stuck into the cut side and were used to repel flies. Having heard this she started noticing that though they were enjoying all their meals outside neither she nor her husband had noticed a single fly anywhere in sight.
When she returned home she tried this lemon/clove combo and what do you know it worked! So we decided to give it a try and it worked for us too. Having dinner in the garden the other evening with some “chums” we had 4 dishes with clove studded lemons on the table and never saw a single fly!
These were simple and cheap to make, and best of all safe….no toxic bug spray around the food or the guests and NO FLIES 🙂 Simply cut a lemon in half, then take whole cloves and insert them into the freshly cut lemon.
Place them on the table about 30 minutes before you plan to eat so the flies will pick up the scent and stay away….it is really that simple! They worked in the house in the dining room for another couple of days as well.
Picnics, BBQ’s, dinners alfresco with no flies….now that is pure joy and real abundant living!

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