Eggs and Bacon – Not Just for Breakfast Anymore!
Back when we first started this Two Chums website journey, we offered you our recipe for Deviled Eggs.
These have been a Two Chums mainstay (much like Hot Artichoke Dip) at nearly every gathering we have. Now we are taking it a step further 🙂
There is a restaurant in Pasadena,California called La Grande Orange, that we really enjoy and one of the appetizers on their menu is deviled eggs. There is a foot note on the menu that reads “Bacon optional”. Now we have two questions….1. Is there any reason on earth why you WOULDN”T add bacon if it is offered? and 2. Why didn’t WE think of this!!!!?
So the next time you make deviled eggs for a barbeque (the 4th of July is just around the corner), hors d’ouevres at a cocktail party, picnic at the beach or just an afternoon snack, try adding a little crumbled bacon. We can promise this does add to love, joy and great abundance in living….Bon Appetit!

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I’ve put candied bacon on our deviled eggs and its really good! I’ve had the deviled eggs at LGO (quite a while ago) and they didn’t have bacon then that I remember reading……next time.
Cindy you won’t be sorry if you order them. Though knowing you and the delicious things that come out of your kitchen they won’t be as good as yours 🙂
Yes I have had the deviled eggs at Le Grande Orange. Nick loves deviled eggs they are his favorite appetizer! Next time we make them we’ll have to sprinkle them with bacon:)
You won’t sorry….0hhhh they are so good. Nick will LOVE them! Wish I had some right now 🙂
Here in Iowa, we pride ourselves with being many things, not the least of which is the largest pork producer state in the country. Our annual Bacon Fest is a huge celebration, with people coming from other States just to take part in Everything Bacon. Tickets are almost impossible to get! I will try the devilishly delicious LGO eggs when our California kids are all here to celebrate the fourth…great idea!
You just have to love that Iowa pork…especially the bacon! What fun you all will have this 4th of July 🙂