Edible Trees

Family and friends will gather together over the next few days. Your Christmas tree will no doubt be admired by those who come to our home to celebrate Christmas with you. But besides the one that holds your ornaments you can also have some edible trees that can be enjoyed on a whole different level. Here are few ideas for edible trees.

Create a donut hole tree for Christmas breakfast. Buy a cone shaped styrofoam tree and using double sided mounting squares or tape secure the styrofoam to a plate. Next afix donut holes to the styrofoam form by using toothpicks to create your “tree”. Fill in any gaps with little sprigs of fresh rosemary. For about a 9″ form you will need 4-5 dozen donut holes. When your tree is all assembled, dust it lightly with powdered sugar “snow”.

You can find instructions for creating this fun charcuterie tree board from More Than Meat and Potatoes by clicking here.

Before there were gummy bears, there were gumdrops. Not only are they edible but they are colorful and festive too. Using a styrofoam cone form, some toothpicks, and gumdrops you can have some festive and tasty centerpieces for your table.

Bake or buy star shaped cookies in various sizes. Spread each star with green or white icing. Assemble your tree by placing the largest stars on the bottom and rotate the stars so the points are staggered as in the photo. Continue layering until the desired height is reached. End with the smallest star and sprinkle with a light dusting of powdered sugar.

If you are using a styrofoam form and toothpicks it should look something like this. How many and how close you place the toothpicks will depend on what food you are using to make the tree.
Let your children or grandchildren help you with creating your edible tree and you won’t just make a centerpiece or buffet display…much more importantly, you’ll make some very sweet memories.

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