(Drum Roll) Saaavvy Secrets!
Yes, you’ve got ’em! Some great Savvy Secrets, thanks to Philipp Jahner of Buzz-Feed-Redaktion.1. Need to cut up parsley? Use your pizza cutter.
2. Need to get your wine a little cooler and not water it down? Freeze a hand full of grapes and use them as ice cubes.
3. Need to crack an egg? Use the counter rather than the edge of a bowl.
4. Want to keep your knives sharper for longer? Put them in the knife block with the sharp edge facing “up”.
5. Need to tell whether an egg is fresh? The egg on the left is very fresh, the one in the middle is about a week old, and the one on the right is nearly three weeks old.
6. Keep an apple in with your potatoes to keep them from sprouting.
7. A very easy way to get the pip out of the avocado.
8. And this is a great way to keep your left-over avocado from going brown.
9. Here is a great timing guide for getting your eggs the way you like them.
10. And, if you get distracted when your paste is boiling and it boils over, simply put a wooden spoon over it.
Oh yes, we love finding and sharing Savvy Secrets! Thanks so much to Buzz-Feed for these.
More joy, more abundant living!

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