Don’t Be Afraid
What is it you have been wanting to do, or try, but have let fear stop you? What dream have you put away
because you think you are too old, too young, too fat, too skinny, don’t have enough funds, have too many other responsibilities, don’t want to look foolish, are afraid you don’t have what it takes? It is no coincidence that the Bible repeatedly instructs us “do not be afraid” or “fear not”. God knows our first reaction in many cases is to hesitate, to consider all the things that could go wrong, to focus on what is in our way and view it as a big obstacle that must be overcome, instead of an opportunity for our big God to give us all we need to be successful.
On our own, there are any number of things we could never do, but the Bible reminds us “with God, all things are possible”. They aren’t possible because we are strong enough, smart enough, young enough, old enough, rich enough, brave enough or talented enough. They aren’t possible because we are enough, they are possible because God IS enough!
That dream you’ve had was God’s idea in the first place. He planted it in your heart. He can give you what you need to see it through, your part is to have faith in Him, to believe. In our human-ness we want to see something first and then we’ll believe. But faith works counter to our natural human instinct. We don’t believe in something because we see it happen….we see it happen because we first believed we would. Hebrews 11:1 says “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” God takes the action, He is the one who makes things happen, but it is our faith that activates that action.
Think about this when you consider again believing in that dream you have:
Dig deep if necessary, dust off that dream and see it become a reality by first believing. Don’t be afraid of falling, be excited about flying!

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This is beautiful. However it made me realize that I am going through a faith crisis. “I believe – help thou my unbelief”!!
And He will Elaine…He is ever at the ready when we call. Be of good cheer and may God bless you again and again!
Thanks for your kind encouragement. God is GREAT!! Sometimes we don’t see the forest for the trees, but He is always with us to expose the path we need to take.