Does The Knife Go On This Side Or That?
Setting a beautiful table for your guests to feast their eyes upon is a joy to do! There is nothing prettier than to see the sparkle of the glassware, the shinny silver, and the crisp linens.
Setting a “Smart” Dinner Table from Two Chums on Vimeo.
Let’s start with the tablecloth. Certainly, a lovely tablecloth is always a beautiful sight but, on the other hand, if you have a wonderful table that you would like to showcase, place mats should be used. Be sure that the place mats are “up to” the occasion. If you do not have any, think about buying some embroidered linen place mats. We would suggest buying white as you can bleach them, when needed. Pimpernel makes super, cork-backed place mats in all sorts of different designs. Obviously, the design should be of a more formal nature for this occasion.
Your centerpiece comes next. Remember to keep it at a height where your guests can see each other’s faces across the table. After you have placed the centerpiece on the table, you start with your silverware. The knife always goes on the right hand side, cutting edge facing in, and the dinner fork goes on the left hand side. You use your silverware starting from the outside, going in. So, if you are having soup as an appetizer, you would put a soup spoon on the outside of the dinner knife. If you are going to serve a salad (here in America, a salad is enjoyed before the entrée), your salad fork would go on the outside of the dinner fork, on the left hand side. If you are having an appetizer that requires a knife and fork, you would put a smaller knife and fork on the outside – knife on the right, fork on the left. We like to put the dessert fork at the top of the plate, tines facing to the right, and the dessert spoon above the fork facing the other way, to the left.
Your dinner plate can be placed in between your knife and fork (about ¾ – 1” from the edge of the table) and your bread and butter plate to the left of your place setting, slightly to the top. A bread and butter knife should be then placed on the small plate.
Your water glass goes just above your knife. If you are serving red and white wines, the red wine glass goes next to the water glass and then the white wine glass goes next.
There are many pretty ways to fold a napkin which can then be placed between your knife and fork on the plate or to the left of the forks. If you prefer, you can shake it out and put it into one of your wine glasses ~ rather festive!
We love to use place cards. We feel that it is really welcoming for your guests to see their names at a designated place. You can print them out on the computer and then cut them or you can hand write them. Hand written place cards are traditionally the way to go but, certainly, the printed ones look great as well. If you do not have place card holders, you can just fold the paper over to make a little “tent”.
What fun you are going to have!
Your guests will be charmed, your heart will be warmed.
Love, joy and abundant living will abound!

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