Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
If you are hosting little ones this holiday season and want a very fun craft to do, here is just what you are looking for!
Every little person knows the movie Frozen and they will have such fun doing this craft! Yes, it is a snowman and so easy to do!
Items needed:
short white adult socks (one for each snowman)
pair of scissors
elastic bands
rice (approx 4 cups per snowman)
4 or 5 different colors of felt including black and white
ribbon (about 12″ per snowman)
Step 1
Cut top of sock off like this
keeping the cut off part to the side. (Cut in two places, once just before the heel and once about 3″ from top). You are basically cutting the heel out. The middle part (the heel) you can throw away. You will need the toe part and the top part.
Step 2
Fill sock with rice about 1/2 full. Put an elastic band around the part that you have filled. This is the body of the snowman. Then add more rice (a lot less as this is the head) and put another elastic band around the top to totally secure it. You have just made the body (first) and the head (second) of the snowman.
Step 3
Close off, with an elastic, the cut end (the smaller piece of the sock – the piece you set aside). You will do this on “the wrong side” i.e. what would have been the inside of the sock
and turn the sock inside out so that the “right side” of the sock is showing.
This is the hat that goes on top of the snowman’s head to cover up the elastic you put there to secure the body and head.
Step 4
Cut felt pieces into circles: small black circles and larger white circles (for eyes), long triangle pieces for the noses, round pieces for buttons on the snowman. Paste the smaller black circles onto the larger white circles for the eyes and then put onto the snowman. Paste the nose and buttons on.
Step 5
Tie a ribbon around the neck (elastic) of the snowman.
You have built your snowman! Obviously, you can embellish it however you would like but this gives you your basic snowman!
Have fun with this….uh oh, we forgot to mention the most important ingredient – LOVE! Do it with love and you cannot help but have a super time!

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So cute. Just told John yesterday that I hope we have snow again when Ashton is here in IA for Christmas. When she first saw snow two years ago, at age 2, she bent right down to pick up a handful of it outside of the airport–of course, her little gloveless hand immediately got painfully cold, and she was not a happy newcomer to the stuff! But we did get to do some sledding and playing in it the next day, with lots of videos to prove it. Last year when here for Thanksgiving, we all saw the movie, “Frozen,” together when it first came out, and she fondly talked of wanting to experience snow again. We hope she’ll get her wish (and we’ll take mittens to the airport!)
How dear! I am sure she will have a wonderful time with the snow and with all of you! Merry Christmas!