DIY – GF – AP Flour
Translation: Do it yourself- gluten free – all purpose flour. Did you get all that? We have a recipe (or two) for you today, for gluten free flour you can mix up at home 🙂 As more and more people are becoming aware of their sensitivity to, or worse, allergies to gluten, it has become more common to be able to buy gluten free flour in grocery stores across the country. But they are sometimes much more expensive than regular all purpose wheat flour, and come in smaller quantities.
With the holidays approaching and everyone baking more this time of year, we thought you might like to have a recipe to make your own gluten free flour at home. We will be coming up with recipes for yummy desserts and breads that you can use these GF flours to make, if going gluten free is something that appeals to you. Here we are giving you, not one, but two recipes today. Give them both a try and feel free to tweak them as you see fit or to make changes that work best for whatever it is you are making.
Happy baking!
GF All Purpose Flour #1*
3 cups brown rice flour
1 cup potato starch
1/2 cup tapioca flour
1/2 cup white rice flour
Mix together well and store in an airtight jar or container.
GF All Purpose Four #2*
2 cups brown rice flour
2 cups white rice flour
2 cups corn starch
Mix well and store in a jar or an airtight container.
(* You will most likely need to add xanthan gum to whatever recipe you are making as xanthan gum replaces the elasticity that would normally be present with gluten.)

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