Did You Know? – Mistakes

Mistakes….we all make them. The key is to own them when they come to our attention.
Today it’s our turn to do just that. Earlier today we sent out our daily post which today happened to be about how extraordinary this month is, because of how the calendar is arranged. Turns out there are always 4 Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays in every February, except Leap years when there is an extra day. Another of our good chums notified us of the mistake, and asked if she had “missed something”.
The info in that earlier Two Chums post came from a dear chum in London, a very reliable source, who herself got it from a very dear French chum, also reliable. So in some ways this is a classic case of “telephone”. We’ve no idea where the person in France got the info in the first place or where the info breakdown happened. This is a good reminder of two very important things, 1) to check any info before passing it on, and 2) own your mistakes when they do occur. And if your info hasn’t hurt anyone or caused them distress, be quick to laugh at yourself for making the mistake in the first place. Beating yourself up over a mistake is just…well…another mistake. Laughing at yourself, extending yourself or others grace, helps you move forward with a much better attitude and a lighter heart.
We made a mistake. If we ever do hear what this info was really all about we’ll let you know. We are chuckling that we didn’t catch this mistake regarding the number of days in February ourselves. We hope you can chuckle too. In the meantime, thanks for still being our chums, even when we “don’t get it right”.
Your Two Chums,

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My darling & precious Chums! Well, this is the only mistake you’ve made. You’re practically perfect in every way. No harm done. I wasn’t losing any sleep over it
Loving you Chums dearly!
Thank you, dear Dick! We certainly appreciate your readership!