Dear Chums – How Do I Strip?
We recently moved into a new home where every room (and some ceilings) are covered
in wallpaper. Help! How do we remove the paper?
Thank you!
Covered in Paper”
Dear Covered in Paper,
What a great question! Many of us have faced this dilemma at one time or another. Your Two Chums certainly have, and have learned the hard way what NOT to do. What you will see here below are a series of short videos done by a professional painter/wallpaper remover who explains in detail the best method for getting that unwanted wallpaper down and prepping your walls so you can have your rooms covered in the paint color of your choice.
You will notice that this particular professional uses a product called DIF to help loosen the paper. In our research we came across this same product being recommended for the job on a number of sites, but several others claim that a 50%/50% mixture of fabric softener and water is another very effective solution for loosening your wallpaper. Still others have had a lot of success with a 50%/50% mixture of vinegar and water. This would be a more natural and certainly a cheaper way to go. Either the fabric softener or vinegar solutions may be worth a try. (Reportedly, it doesn’t matter which brand of fabric softener you use, so feel free to pick some up at the 99 Cents Only store.) If you aren’t finding these methods successful you can always use the DIF which you can find at many hardware or home improvement stores.
Keep us posted and let us know how it goes. And thanks for asking this great question. If any other of our chums have some helpful tips for getting rid of wallpaper we would love to hear from you. Happy stripping…wallpaper that is 🙂

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