Classic and Elegant, For Sure!
The intimate high-society event—only 100 -150 guests were expected to attend, according to the Times—was held a short distance from where Pippa Middleton grew up with her siblings in the village of Bucklebury, at the St. Mark’s 12th-century church in Englefield, Berkshire. And yes, your Two Chums can certainly say that she reached her mark of “classic” and “elegant”!
Her dress was spectacular – absolutely stunning – front and back… so pretty.
And the colours surrounding the bride and groom were just beautiful. Dusty pink throughout the flowers, bridesmaids and the Duchess of Cambridge. Carole Middleton wore a beautiful pale pink dress and hat and James Matthews’ mother wore an exquisite pale blue/green ensemble with hat.
There was speculation that the Duchess of Cambridge would not be a bridesmaid for her sister and an “official” bridesmaid she was not, but she certainly did all the helpful chores of a bridesmaid.
So, she may not have been officially called a “bridesmaid” but she certainly helped to make sure the bride was looked after properly and the littles behaved the way they should.
And the knot was tied between Pippa Middleton and James Matthews!
So, the question everyone has been asking? Did Meghan Markle go with Prince Harry to the wedding? Prince Harry was certainly at the ceremony and was seen coming into the church with his brother, Prince William. According to one newspaper,
“While it was previously reported that Pippa bent the rules in a big way so that Meghan could attend (she made an exception to the “no ring, no bring” rule), the Suits actress allegedly skipped the ceremony as part of royal protocol. Since Pippa’s wedding was not a royal event, it’s against royal customs for members of the royal family to upstage proceedings, and it’s believed that Meghan’s attendance could have distracted from Pippa and James’s nuptials. It also happens to be the same reason why Kate did not officially serve as her sister’s maid of honor.
During the church service, Meghan reportedly stayed in London – about an hour-and-a-half away from the wedding in Englefield – but did make an appearance at Pippa’s reception in nearby Bucklebury later in the evening. According to People, the actress was reportedly picked up by Harry sometime during the several hours guests had before traveling to the Middleton’s home for the private event.”
Whilst Prince Harry was busy running down and up the Motorway to pick up his “Plus One”, everyone else enjoyed a reception at Englefield House, the home on the grounds where the church is located.
Apparently, the evening’s events were fabulous! The Middletons had installed a glass marque in their garden in which a party of around 350 people danced the night away and watched a flyby that had been organized by the wedding planners.
We wish we had some photos to show you of the party that evening. Pippa’s and Kate’s dresses are sure to have been knock outs! We will see in the days going forward.
Here’s to the bride and groom………….love, joy and every happiness.
P.S. And here’s to a lovely bride who walked down the aisle to marry her prince 24 years ago today. This is when our darling Jackie married dear Dennis Page. May this new bride and groom, Pippa and James, be as happy and devoted as Jackie and Dennis are. Happy anniversary JJ and DD 🙂

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